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Initial Setup


nn-template is, by definition, a template to generate projects. It's a robust starting point for your projects, something that lets you skip the initial boilerplate in configuring the environment, tests and such. Since it is a blueprint to build upon, it has no utility in being installed via pip or similar tools.

Instead, we rely on cookiecutter to manage the setup stages and deliver to you a ready-to-run project. It is a general-purpose tool that enables users to add their water of choice (variable configurations) to their particular Cup-a-Soup (the template to be setup).

Installing cookiecutter

cookiecutter can be installed via pip in any Python-enabled environment (it won't be the same used by the project once instantiated). Our advice is to install cookiecutter as a system utility via pipx:

pipx install cookiecutter

Then, we need to tell cookiecutter which template to work on:


It will clone the nn-template repository in the background, call its interactive setup, and build your project's folder according to the given parametrization.

The parametrized setup will take care of:

  • Set up the development of a Python package
  • Initializing a clean Git repository and add the GitHub remote of choice
  • Create a new Conda environment to execute your code in

This extra step via cookiecutter is done to avoid a lot of manual parametrization, unavoidable when cloning a template repository from scratch. Trust us, it is totally worth the bother!

Building Blocks

The generated project already contains a minimal working example. You are free to modify anything you want except for a few essential and high-level things that keep everything working. (again, this is not a framework!). In particular mantain:

  • Any LightningLogger you may want to use wrapped in a NNLogger
  • The NNTemplateCore Lightning callback


The template bootstraps the project with most of the needed boilerplate. The remaining components to implement for your project are the following:

  1. Implement data pipeline
    1. Dataset
    2. Pytorch Lightning DataModule
  2. Implement neural modules
    1. Model
    2. Pytorch Lightning Module


What is The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?


Why are the logs badly formatted in PyCharm?

This is due to the fact that we are using Rich to handle the logging, and Rich is not compatible with customized terminals. As its documentation says:

"PyCharm users will need to enable “emulate terminal” in output console option in run/debug configuration to see styled output."

Why are file paths not interactive in the terminal's output?

We would like to know, too.

How can I exclude specific file paths from pre-commit checks (e.g. pydocstyle)?

While we encourage everyone to keep best-practices and standards enforced via the pre-commit utility, we also take into account situations where you just copy/paste code from the Internet and fixing it would be tedious. In those cases, the file .pre-commit-config.yaml has you covered. Each hook can receive an additional property, namely exclude where you can specify single files or patterns to be excluded when running that hook.

For example, if you want to exclude a file named from an annoying hook annoying_hook (most likely pydocstyle):

  - repo:
    -   id: annoying_hook

Future Features

  • Optuna support
  • Support different loggers other than WandB