The generated project contains two GiHub Actions workflow to run the Test Suite and to publish you project.
You need to enable the GitHub Actions from the settings in your repository.
All the workflow already implement the logic needed to cache the conda and pip environment between workflow runs.
The annotated tags in the git repository to manage releases should follow the semantic versioning
conventions: <major>.<minor>.<patch>
Test Suite¶
The Test Suite runs automatically for each commit in a Pull Request. It is successful if:
- The pre-commits do not raise any errors
- All the tests pass
After that, the PR are marked with ✔️ or ❌ depending on the test suite results.
Publish docs¶
The first time you should use mike
to: create the gh-pages
branch and
specify the default docs version.
You do not need to execute these commands if you accepted the optional cookiecutter setup step.
Remember to enable the GitHub Pages from the repository settings.
After that, the docs are built and automatically published on release
on GitHub Pages.
This means that every time you publish a new release in your project an associated version of the documentation is published.
The documentation version utilizes only the <major>.<minor>
version of the release tag, discarding the patch version.
Publish PyPi¶
To publish your package on PyPi it is enough to configure
the PyPi token in the GitHub repository secrets
and de-comment the following in the
- name: Build SDist and wheel
run: pipx run build
- name: Check metadata
run: pipx run twine check dist/*
- name: Publish distribution 📦 to PyPI
uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@release/v1
user: __token__
password: ${{ secrets.PYPI_API_TOKEN }}
In this way, on each GitHub release the package gets published on PyPi and the associated documentation is published on GitHub Pages.