The template configures are the tooling necessary for a modern Python project.
These include:
- EditorConfig maintain consistent coding styles for multiple developers.
- Black the uncompromising code formatter.
- isort sort imports alphabetically, and automatically separated into sections and by type.
- flake8 check coding style (PEP8), programming errors and cyclomatic complexity.
- pydocstyle static analysis tool for checking compliance with Python docstring conventions.
- MyPy static type checker for Python.
- Coverage measure code coverage of Python programs.
- bandit security linter from PyCQA.
- pre-commit framework for managing and maintaining pre-commit hooks.
Pre commits¶
The pre-commits configuration is defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml
and includes the most important checks and auto-fix to perform.
If one of the pre-commits fails, the commit is aborted avoiding distraction errors.
The pre-commits are also run in the CI/CD as part of the Test Suite. This helps guaranteeing the all the contributors are respecting the code conventions in the pull requests.